And your software engineers tell you:
"We just cant do this with the current technology"
Two of my projects are just like that.
First is - Can we simplify Extract - Transformation - Load (ETL) so that a secretary (student, domain expert) can do it?
And while we are at it, can we also automate it so we dont have to repeat it?
Yes, we can.
The second is can we build a Skynet?
Yes we can.
Read all about it in my PhD thesis. Why?
Imagine - customer forgot their bank card, but still needs to do business with ATM. We can still take their picture and try facial recognition to match info on their file. Or we can ask their signature. Or we can send a code to their phone (assuming ATM detects new device around). So, the questions is what risk the bank is willing to take.
I have not just created a model for this, but also I have written a software (in Java) that does that. Why?
Because people kept saying "It is impossible to do this with the current technology".
Well, if you hear that again - talk to me.
JAVA/J2EE Developer with over 10 years of experience.
Languages/Technologies: Expert: JAVA, SQL
Proficient: JavaScript (JS), CSS, PHP (5), HTML, Ajax , EJB, JSF, JSP, JQuerry
Beginner: C++, Assembler, R
Defect Tracking Tools: Bugzilla
Databases: MySQL (5.1-5.6), MSSQL (9,10), SQL Anywhere (12)
Web/Application servers: Apache Tomcat 7
Development tools: IntelliJ Idea, Eclipse, NetBeans
Software version and revision control system: SVN, CVS, Git
UML (Use Case, Class, and Sequence Diagrams)
Design Patterns, Stored procedures
JNI, JMF, JDBC, JUnit, JMS, Apache Commons (HTTPClient, POI, Logging, Regexp, Log4j), J3D, Swing, AWT, Java Print, Gson, Java Core (including collections, reflection, threads and mail)
Apache webser and Tomcat application server
SSL, HTTP, Sockets
ANT for building
Bash/ Shell/ Batch scripting
Redhat Linux release 6.2, Unix, Windows XP, NT 4.0, Vista, Windows 7, 8, 10 and other flavors